Thursday, 30 January 2020

December PPE: Paper 2 Learner Response

Paper 2 Learner Response

1) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep 
WWW - Although this is not where you want to be long-term, this is an improvement on the summer and there is clear potential to go a lot higher.
EBI - You've missed out Q2! That's 20 marks or 25% of the paper. Revise TV and practise! The other key aspect to work on is question focus.

2) On a scale of 1-10 (1 = low, 10 = high), how much revision and preparation did you do for the December PPEs?
On a scale of 1-10 I would say my revision and preparation was a 1 on my December PPEs.

3) Use the mark scheme for this assessment to identify three points you could have made in any of the questions in Section A (Television). Look for the indicative content in the mark scheme - these are the suggested answers from AQA
The three main points I could have made 

4) There are three 20-mark essay questions in Media Paper 2. What will you do to improve your performance in the 20-mark essays in the March PPEs?
To improve on the 20 mark questions for my March PPEs I would need to revise and look back on narrative, such as revising Propp's Character Theory, Todorov's Equalibrium, Bathes action + enigma codes

5) Question 5 is a synoptic question that requires you to refer to other CSPs. What other CSPs could you have used for this Question 5 on Zoella and celebrity?
For the synoptic question I could have referred to CSPs such as NHS Represent Campaign because it shows a very old type of celebrity which contrasts from Zoella and how she's represented as a modern day celebrity.

Zoella Case Study

Zoella Case Study


Read this Marie Clare article on Zoella as an online phenomenon.

1) Who is Zoella and why is she famous? How many subscribers does Zoella's YouTube channel have currently?

Zoella started off as a blogger and eventually moved onto YouTube, Zoella is now a well known You Tuber who targets a teenage audience, but as she's been getting older she's been going down hill as a world sensation. Currently Zoella approximately has 9.7 million followers (updated 29 October 2019)

2) What is convergence?

Convergence is when things come together (intertextuality).

3) What are Zoella's videos about? Find five video titles and write them here:

4) What are the codes and conventions of vlogging videos?

5) How does Zoella use media language choices to create her online identity?

Zoella uses mise-en-scene to create her online identity with costume and ____, she also uses a ___ tone and informal language to create an sense of diversion and make it seem as if your talking to a friend.


1) How does Zoella make money?
Zoella mainly makes her money from promotions, advertisements (pre-roll ads) etc. But she also has her own book collection (ghost written), meet & greets, beauty line etc.

2) What is a digital influencer? Why is Zoella considered a digital influencer?

A digital influencer is someone who uses social media sites to become famous and influences other people, they do this by    Zoella's seen as a digital influencer because she has a lot of followers who keep up with what shes doing, for example shes a

3) Why do companies want to place their products in Zoella's videos?

Companies want to place their products in Zoella's videos because she has a huge fan base and gets an average of  1.1 billion views (and counting) on each video. Also, this would help them both out because she gets payed for doing this and the more money she gets the more videos she would make since it helps her money increase but this would also help the companies who pay her because if shes more active on YouTube she would get an even larger fan base meaning if she successes the companies would have success as well.

4) Why are YouTube collaborations so important for helping digital influencers like Zoella to grow?

YouTube collaborations are so important for digital influences like Zoella because it brings together her fans and the person she decides to collab with fans, this means that if each fan base ends up liking the video other other YouTuber that their one collab with they would then end up scrolling through the other YouTubers account and selecting videos that they may find interesting.

5) How has Zoella moved into a more traditional media landscape in recent years?

Zoella has turned into a more traditional media landscape in recent years by appearing on TV such as ITV's Loose Women show, having her own book (ghostwritten) etc.


1) Who is the target audience for Zoella's channel?
Zoella's YouTube channel is mainly targeted towards teenagers, as your able to see by the way she acts.

2) How are audiences encouraged to participate in or feel part of Zoella's brand? 

3) What audience pleasures are provided by Zoella's videos and associated products?

Zoella's YouTube videos provide the audience pleasures of

4) Applying Stuart Hall's Reception theory, what would a preferred and oppositional reading of Zoella?

Preferred (people who love Zoella): She's a great role model because she's seen as a normal down-to-earth girl just like her audience.

Oppositional (people who hate Zoella): She isn't a great role model because she's seen as being a hypocrite, for example she tells her audience that caring about looks leads to anxiety and depression but she has her very own make up line with Superdrug. Also, she has various tutorials on hair & makeup. She also does clothes hauls.

5) Why has Zoella been criticised by some people?

Zoella has been criticised by some people for the very thing that I had just said, she warns young females about caring for looks leads to anxiety and depression but in fact she's being a hypocrite because she doesn't follow what she tells her young audience to do.


Read this Independent article arguing Zoella is a bad role model for young women.

Next, read this Independent article arguing the opposite. 

1) What is your opinion on this debate - is Zoella a positive role model for young women?

In my opinion, I think Zoella is a bad role model for young women because she's constructed as you're able to see from her video's. No one that "works" as a YouTuber should ever be that happy, it's just utterly unrealistic. The connotations that young women would get from her YouTube video's would be to hide and cover up their emotions and that being a hypocrite is okay.
However, some people may disagree with my statement and say that she's a good role model because of how she constructs herself to be the "happy" human being that she is and that this would show young females to see everything as positive. Also to show people that everything is a new opportunity and the only way to do good and successful in life is to think positive as she does. An example of this would be Zoella herself.

2) What representations of women are provided by Zoella?

Zoella confuses her audience when it comes to the representation of women, she does this because she tells her female audience to not worry about the way that they look or anything like that but she's being hypocritical because in most of her videos shes caked up with make up. Also, she had released her own beauty line with Superdrug.

3) What representations of celebrity are provided by Zoella? Is a self-made YouTube celebrity more authentic or positive than a traditional music or TV star?

Zoella as you may already know isn't a traditional media star. She's self-made, she started off blogging at a young age then moved onto vlogging which she may do sometimes in her YouTube videos.

4) How does Zoella represent herself? Is this the real Zoe Suggs or a media construction designed to sell products?

Zoella represents herself as a ____ teenager and because of this I personally believe that this version of Zoe Sugg is media constructed and designed to sell her products so that she's able to make a reliable income. Zoella acts as if she's a 16 or 17 year old but she's actually 29 years of age.When she started YouTube she was ____.

5) What criticisms could be levelled at the representation of Zoella? 

Friday, 24 January 2020

Newspaper: Daily Mirror Case Study

Daily Mirror Case Study


1) Write the definition of the following key language for newspaper front pages:

Masthead: The title block of the newspaper
Incentive: A special offer or voucher used to draw a readers attention (usually in tabloid newspapers)
Pug: Something to catch the readers eye
Splash Head: The lead story
Slogan: Sums up ethos of newspaper
Dateline: The date the newspaper was published 
Kicker: Story at the top of the paper to draw interest in content
Byline: Gives the name of the article writer
Standfirst: Introductory paragraph usually in bold 

2) How much does a copy of the Daily Mirror cost?
A copy of the Daily Mirror costs £1.20

3) What are the main stories on the CSP edition of the Daily Mirror?
The main stories on the CSP edition of the Daily Mirror were about the Coronation Street actor Michael Le Vell aka Kevin Webster and the one about the Royal Family "Meghan's dad WILL walk her down aisle"

4) Why is the choice of news story on the CSP front page typical of a tabloid newspaper?
It's a typical tabloid news story because of the use of slang "CORRIE KEV'S...COPS...BUST-UP" and because of the use of big pictures to cover up the front page. Also, they sensationalised news. An example for this is Kevin's story where it says he was arrested in bold but says "will take no further action" in smaller text.

5) What is the balance on the Daily Mirror front page between images, headlines and text?
On the Daily Mirror front page your able to see that there's no balance between images and text, since the main audience for the Daily Mirror is working class they added more pictures than text to draw their audiences.


1) What company owns the Daily Mirror?
Reach owns the Daily Mirror, but they were formally owned by Trinity Mirror.

2) What is the Daily Mirror's circulation in 2020? How many papers did the Daily Mirror used to sell back in the 1990s?
In the 1990's the Daily Mirror used to sell over 3 million a day, but nowadays they sell around 500,000 a day. This would be because of the internet and how we able able to access news instantly for free.

3) How has the Daily Mirror reacted to the decline in print sales and the growth of the internet?
The Daily Mirror and the rest of the newspaper industry have decided to create news online so that its accessible from the any portable device, giving regular updates so that your able to catch up with the latest news whenever you want.  

4) What does IPSO stand for and what is IPSO's job?
The IPSO stands for Independent Press Standards Organisation, they regulate newspapers and magazines. This is to help us protect our individual rights and help to maintain freedom of expression for the press.

5) Why do some people want stronger regulation of British newspapers?
Some people want a stronger regulation of British newspapers because the IPSO is voluntarily regulated meaning that some people within the news industry probably work there, I see why this may concern certain people because it means that they are going over to mark their own work. 


1) What is the target audience for the Daily Mirror?
The target audience for the Daily Mirror is mainly people over the age of 55, but they also have a younger audience. 45% of their audience are over the age of 65, 61% of their audience are 55+ & 6% are aged 15-24. 

2) Why does the Mirror front page story appeal to the Daily Mirror audience?
The front page of the Daily Mirror appeals to their target audience because of the fact that they slyly share the same target audience as Coronation Street.   

3) Why might a reader enjoy the Daily Mirror?
A reader may enjoy the Daily Mirror because of their use of surveillance, they give out a lot of information about the world in such simple detail. As well as this, they give a sense of diversion and personal relationships because of how they space out their celebrity gossip as well as royal family gossip.

4) Why are print newspapers generally read by older audiences?
Print newspapers are generally read by a much older audience because younger people get their news from the internet.

5) How is the 'Back from the Red' local election story on the double page spread constructed to appeal to Daily Mirror readers? 
It's constructed to appeal to a Daily Mirror audience because majority of them would most likely support the Labour party and they are making the Conservative party look bad.


1) How does the Daily Mirror represent the Conservative Party and its MPs?
The Daily Mirror represents the conservatives as inferior towards the Labour Party, they do this because they do not agree to anything the Conservatives say.

2) How does the Daily Mirror represent the Labour Party and its MPs?
The Daily Mirror represents the Labour Party as ethical compared to the Conservatives, they do this because they agree with Labour.

3) How does the Daily Mirror represent Teresa May and Jeremy Corbyn as political leaders?
The Daily Mirror represents Teresa May as a clown even though she's meant to be a political leader, they did this because they do no agree with what the Conservatives want for our country. They had also added a picture of her when she looked idiotic they did this because she's the leader of the Conservatives. However, the Daily Mirror represents Jeremy Corbyn as a hero this may have something to do with their slogan "Fighting For You". Most Daily Mirror readers are working class and this means that they would most likely vote for the Labour Party, since knowing this it would make sense to supporting and showing off Labour as superior. Even if they lost the election. 

4) How does the Daily Mirror represent celebrity?
The Daily Mirror represents celebrity as important but they also show them in a bad light, they do this because in the news industry bad news is good news. Nowadays, people show more love and respect towards  celebrities. Some people may even worship them and this is why the Daily Mirror shows them in this type of way.  

5) Why did the Daily Mirror include a discussion about a Conservative councillor suspended for racism in the double-page spread politics story? 
The Daily Mirror included a discussion about a Conservative councillor being suspended for racism because they do not support anything that the Conservatives have to say. Also they made them look bad straight after they won the election to show us (the whole of Britain) who we decided to choose to rule our country.